A Member based Associaton
A Member Based Association of international and local members.
Protecting Human and animal health and the environment.
Responsible, Professional and Ethical management.
Ensure Pesticides products are verified for quality and purity.
Crop Life Tanzania.
CropLife Tanzania is a non – profit making association registered by registrar of societies. Established in 1989 as an agrochemical Association of Tanzania and changed its name in 2003 to conform to the pattern of similar national, regional and international Associations.
Why Choose Us?
We are the guardian of Members' good practices, encouraging them to be self regulated and complaint to the requirements set by the Plant Protection Act and the international code of conduct on pesticides management.
We Support initiatives to optimise the use of locally available resources.
We facilitate acquisition and application of safe and effective pesticides.
We collaborate with relevant partners to facilitate capacity building
We advance agricultural technologies which are economically viable